Thursday, November 25, 2010

Selective hearing

Grant works from if I have to run out for something during the day, I can leave Madison at home if I have to.  Obviously Grant needs to work, so I can only really leave if Madison is sleeping...somehow though, she seems to know that I want to leave the house.  I'll put her down...wait until she's sound asleep...take the baby monitor down to Grant and leave.....seems that I only make it to the car door before Grant is waving at me to come back into the house.... she's awake! Damn!  Back into the house I go, and errands wait for another day.  But yesterday, Madison was sleeping, Grant was cooking something in the oven and smoke started coming out (OK, maybe I should clean the oven more often)...making the smoke alarm ring, for what seemed like, forever.  SHE DIDN'T EVEN STIR!!!!!!!  Seriously, how does the smoke alarm going off not wake her up, but me leaving the house wakes her????  Selective hearing!  Something I'm sure she's picked up from the dog!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

New this week

The weather this week has been's high is -19!!!  Madison, Maya and I have gone for a walk almost every day since she was 2 weeks old...until the last few days.  I tried pushing the stroller through the snow on was quite the workout.  So I decided that maybe putting her in the baby bjorn would be easier.   Wed our walk consisted of 1 block...up the street to my friends house.  I think with the windchill it was -27...needless to say...we were quite bundled!

Since we've been stuck in the house all week...we've had to find things to do.  Hanging out in the playpen all day can get quite boring.  So we tried out the jolly jumper.  Maya liked it she was able to hang out a little closer to Madison.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

No longer mountain bike season

This is what we woke to this morning...gorgeous...but I'm thinking that mountain bike season is over.  Time to put away the bikes and take out the skis.  :)

Monday, November 8, 2010

A well deserved break

Grant was playing in a disc golf tournament this summer and won the door prize...2 free tickets anywhere Westjet flies.  Only had to be used by Nov 7th....between me healing from a C-section, getting Madison's birth certificate and passport on time, and Grants work deadlines, we weren't sure if we were going to be able to use the tickets.  BUT everything worked out....and on Oct 29th we booked a trip to Cabo San Lucas...and left on the 31st.  Nothing like a last minute vacation in the sun to rejuvenate.  It was definitely a different vacation for us...I always wondered who went to a resort on the ocean and stayed by the pool....Ahhh....families!....haha.   (Grant did manage to get out surfing a few mornings)

Madison was a trooper on the plane (we were definitely worried about how she would handle a 4 hour plane ride)...apparently she likes TV....we kind of felt like bad parents....letting our 4 month old watch Tree house, but she was happy and least for a few minutes. 

Madison spent the first 4 days sleeping (apparently she needed the break from regular life as well)...We were given an awesome little tent at my baby shower (thanks Marcia and Michelle), that was perfect for Madison at the pool side..her play mat fit perfectly inside so she was busy playing or sleeping in it.

Her first time in a pool....she loved it!!!

We met another really awesome family there...they live in Ucuelet (near long beach and Tofino).  If you ever want to go to long beach and need a great place to stay, check out their place for accommodation and surf rentals

Madison makes new friends

We are now home...sad to be back to the sound of people scraping the frost off their car windshields in the morning,  but happy to be in our own beds and more relaxed than when we left.