Friday, April 29, 2011

7 months of winter!!!!

3 days ago I was riding my bike, towing Madison in the chariot.  This morning, APRIL 29th, this is what we woke to:

A foot and a half so far and still snowing!!!!  More snow, in one dump, than we've had all year.  It started snowing in's now the end of April. We have now had 7 1/2 months of winter.  Summer better be hot and sunny!!!!! (if it ever arrives)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ummm....I think we need another baby gate!

Here's what I found Madison doing today.  Good thing Grant's going into the city tomorrow...because we definitely need another baby gate!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Things we (the parents) are learning

Things we've learned this month about Madison:

1.  There is no point is wearing anything white when feeding a baby...or really wearing white anytime with a baby!

2.  If Madison is going to sneeze or blow rasberries when's always when she's eating beets!

3.  Madison would rather wipe her snotty nose on my sleeve than let me wipe her nose with a kleenix.

4.  If Madison is busy playing with her toys in the living room and poops in her diaper, the dog will always let us know!!!!

5.  It's usually a good idea to feed her first THEN give her a bath, not the other way around!

6.  When learning to stand, you also must learn to fall.

7.  Even small babies can make a big mess