Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

Feels like spring is here...Happy Easter everyone!
Grant and I were just in Palm Springs...Grant there for a conference, while I played all day...working out, hiking up a few mountains and generally soaking up the warm weather...being responsibility free for 5 days (kids stayed at home with the nanny)!  It  was wonderful!

Today is easter.  The day started out with an easter egg hunt.  I was informed by Madison, last week, that the easter bunny hides eggs around the house for her to I figured I had better do something.  ;)

We leave for Mexico in 2 weeks, and are pretty excited to be going on a family vacation.  Grant had a second surgery on his leg 2 weeks ago and is hoping he will be healed enough to do some surfing.  Fingers crossed.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Little racer

Well she comes by it naturally, her mum used to race bobsleighs.  Madison thought she would get an early start!

In other news, Grant goes for surgery again tomorrow.  His foot has been swollen, painful and we think infected, since he got his first surgery Nov 22.  Tomorrow he goes in for surgery and they take out the hardware (9 screws and a plate).  It means another cast...but hopefully it will finally start to heal.

We have a trip to Mexico planned in April which we are soooo looking forward to.  If you're not doing anything April 13th to 23rd and want to join us in Puerto Vallarta for a week, send me a note and I can give you our hotel details.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

"No, don't touch"

Where has the month gone, I can't believe it's March already!  Evan is no longer he's running!  Unlike Madison who would gently look at things, or listen when you asked her to stay out of a cupboard or not touch something...Evan behaves in true boy fashion...looks at you and gets into it anyway!  He is starting to talk, and no surprise...his first words were "no"...his first sentence "no, don't touch"!!!!