Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Halloween everyone.  This evening we took Madison out trick-or-treating to a few houses in the neighbourhood.

So cute in her little cat costume!

Madison and Reid trick or treating

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Turning to winter

Just a few pics from the last's quickly turned from sunny and warm to snowy and cold.  We had a beautiful Sept...both Grant and I mountain biked almost every day. Oct has been pretty good too, though a little colder...Grant still has his bike out...hoping that this snow is not really the beginning of winter. Sadly, I put my bike away at the end of Sept as the belly was getting too big, and the trail was getting slick with rain and frost.
Madison is getting cuter by the day...she's talking up a storm..mostly in a language that we don't understand yet...but, her vocabulary is certainly growing as she is saying new words every day.

Eating corn on the cob with her 8 front teeth

We got her a bike helmet and she wants to wear it all the the house, in the's pretty cute!

Out for a walk in the fall leaves

And....winter is here!!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Madison learns to walk

I haven't taken a lot of pictures in the last 2 months....I've been taking more videos.  This is a compilation of videos I've taken since July when Madison started getting interested in walking.