Friday, December 28, 2012

Merry Christmas

We had a busy Christmas this started with my sister Tara having a baby on Dec 22.  We are thrilled that Madison and Evan have a cousin who is close to their age.

We visited Santa Clause....they aren't smiling...but at least they're not crying!!!

Santa must have thought they were good because he brought them both gifts on Christmas morning

 They enjoyed opening gifts...though I'm not sure who was more excited about the train set...the kids or Grant!

 And we got to hang out with lots of Family (Evan and Uncle Rick)

Wishing everyone a wonderful holiday season. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Post surgery

A few cute pictures of Grant and the kids.  Poor Grant is having to sit around and ice a lot.  At least the kids are hanging out with him!

9 screws and a plate

The boys...having a little cuddle time!