Saturday, May 26, 2012

Little Parrot

I'm loving the stage of Madison being a little parrot...repeating things we say.  Today Grant burped and I said "oohhh, Madison isn't daddy gross?  Tell Daddy he's gross".  She promptly said "ew daddy gross".  haha!  BUT it also means that we have to watch what we say...Grant will say something to me and we will hear this little voice...repeating what grant said.  Usually it's something innocent like "oh great"...but it definitely makes us more conscious about what we're saying (no more swear words!!!)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Little gymnast

And this is why I can never take my eye off Madison!!!  Yesterday I was in the kitchen cooking dinner and Madison was happily playing in the living room.  I happened to glance up from my cooking only to discover that she was draped backwards and upside down off the couch with her head touching the pillows on the floor... just about to flip over.  First off, I love that she was smart enough to put pillows on the floor where she knew her head was going to land, and secondly, I don't ever want to discourage her from exploring a movement like a back flip...BUT...I definitely want her to be in the presence of parents (as in...sitting beside her, just in case) when she's trying something new!!!  Her little arms barely made it over her head, and I'm sure they're not strong enough yet to hold up her body weight.
(ps. watch the rock climbing "smear" move she does to get up onto the couch).

Today Madison discovered that she can do a flip by climbing on Grant...who needs the assistant of a couch!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pictures of the week

The kids have been busy lately.  Now that it's warm outside, we've been going on walks, biking to the playroom so Madison can play with other kids, going to the park and playing on the front deck.  It's so nice to be able to leave the doors open and let the fresh mountain air circulate through the house.  I can't wait until we have a back yard to play in.
Evan has been trying to crawl....he can't hold himself for very long on his hands and knees so he often ends up pushing himself backward instead of crawling forward, but I can no longer take my eyes off him as he can roll, move himself in circles, and push himself under furniture.  Because of all this activity both kids have been having some long afternoon naps...which is a nice break for me.  :)
Here are some pictures of the last 2 weeks.

Out for a hike

At the playroom painting

Washing Evans feet during bath time

Helping feed Evan (I love the concentration)

Hanging out with Cousin Brittney (she will be their nanny starting August)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

4 months old

Yesterday Evan turned 4 months old.  Where has the time gone?  He's such a calm, happy baby, the time has just flown by.  Now if only I could get him to sleep through the night!!!!  He's a pretty strong little guy...he can now roll from front to back and back to front.  He's desperate to crawl....I put him on his play mat this morning and he rolled around and pulled himself a little bit and managed to get himself 3 feet from his playmat.  Something tells me he's going to be crawling in no time.

Madison is 22 months, and more and more fun every day.  Her vocabulary is taking off and for the most part we can understand what she's asking for.  She loves action songs (itsy bitsy spider, and the wheels on the bus are her favorite) and makes me repeat them with her over and over again!!!  Parents of 4 kids must just hate certain songs by the time the 4th kid comes around....I think grant already hates the wheels on the bus song.  haha!  The other day she was counting my toes (she can count to 5) and was touching the nail polish I had on, so I thought I would put some on her toes.  It was soooo cute.  As soon as I put the nail polish on her toes, she looked at them and said "it's pretty".  haha.  She even sat still for a few minutes while the polish dried.  Now every day she will take off her socks and show me her toes!!!